Do Hard Things
At no point in my life did I decide to become an ultrarunner. In the same way that you cannot decide to walk out the door one morning and meet the love of your life. Ultrarunning is something that happened …
At no point in my life did I decide to become an ultrarunner. In the same way that you cannot decide to walk out the door one morning and meet the love of your life. Ultrarunning is something that happened …
When we decided to stray out of winter and enter the spring and summer seasons with the Kahtoola INSTA™gaiter Low and Mid, we had to ask ourselves a simple question: How do we make gaiters fun? Up to that point, …
Great design starts with curiosity. We’re always in search of solutions to problems, but before a problem can be solved, it needs to be identified and understood. From there, we design, test and refine a product, working through all of …
Last year, when we successfully completed our 1,850km expedition across the Namib Desert, I remember thinking, as I always have after any one of my expeditions, that it was specific components and pieces of the adventure that made it so …
Canadian adventurer, ultrarunner, and youth expedition non-profit impossible2Possible founder Ray Zahab is no stranger to big adventures. Over the past decade-plus, he’s crossed some of the world’s most unforgiving terrain, including the Sahara, Atacama and Namib Deserts, Baffin Island, Siberia …
The morning of this year’s Kahtoola Uphill started out windy, gray, and overcast—not ideal conditions for the day of a mountain race. But, by race start, the uphill gods swung things in our favor. The skies cleared and everything settled …
We all have that friend. The one who, the second they cross over into their favorite landscape, they transform. And the first time they connected with that wild and wonderful place a piece of their soul forever changed, and it …
The Q’eros Nation is made up of five communities in the Peruvian Andes, roughly 75 extremely rugged miles east of the nearest city, Paucartambo. An estimated 2,000 people call these communities home, the highest of which rests at an incredible …
RumbleX, the annual Conservation in Motion gathering, began with a climb and a prayer. On October 12, after a small party, led by Kahtoola founder and owner Danny Giovale, scaled South Six Shooter in Indian Creek area southwest of Moab, …
It can take all of a few minutes to make a connection on a trail run. Through the simple act of acknowledging one another, sharing movement in nature, and peeling back the layers of oneself and existing only in moments …
Moments and Miles: Rob Krar Ultra Camp Fall Retreat Read more »